Monday, March 15, 2004

My Selfish Parents

So, had a nice fight with my wife over the phone today.  Even worse, I'm
at work when it happens and although I'm the only one in the office (but not
within earshot), I told her it was too busy to talk and I had to go.

It all started this morning when I left to get a haircut.  Well, okay,
STYLED.  Every 6 weeks or so, I get it cut fairly short and little blonder
in the highlights.  But when I got home, my wife was out shopping with the
kids and my parents were just about to leave and go shopping.

My parents are visiting for a week and arrived Friday night.  I'm working
long hours right now (and can't change them since Whiner is away for a week) and
haven't seen much of them.  They bought dinner on Friday night
(Chinese).  They bought dinner on Saturday night (pizza) and last night we
were on our own and had macaroni & cheese.  Apparently, my wife had
cooked a ham for Saturday, but with me out curling (and having pizza and beer
there), my parents offered to take her and the kids out for dinner and I met
them there.  Also on Saturday, they bought us a new dishwasher because my wife
had been complaining about the crappy quality of the one we own (and they felt
bad since they just shelled out some cash for my sister and her husband to get a
new washer/dryer set for their place).  My dad's also down so he can
continue working on the downstairs bathroom (which he tore apart about 19 months
ago and is ssssssllllloooowwwwwllllyyyyy rebuilding it).

Today, however, when my parents went to leave, they asked me if they should pick
something for dinner, like KFC.  I said 'sure,' thinking it would be yet
another meal that my wife could avoid cooking since she hates it when my parents
visit.  I left her a note before I left for work letting her know ahead of
time that they were bringing dinner with them.  I passed by her on the way
to work as she was heading home.  She called just before I got in the

And boy was she upset.

My parents are being selfish by bringing home dinner when she cooked a perfectly
good ham on Saturday night.  No one's touched it and she's mad about
it.  She's barely gotten any sleep (? she gets more than I do) because the
kids have been waking her up between 6 and 7 instead of after 7:30 and no one
talks to her.

And that's where I shouldn't have said anything.

"But you weren't home when I left, how was I supposed to talk to you?"

I called my parents' cell and let them know that there was a ham dinner waiting
for them and not to bother bringing anything home.  I didn't tell them that
my wife is mad because they didn't ask her if it was okay first.  I didn't
tell them that she thinks they're being selfish by bringing home food they want
instead of eating what she cooks.  I also didn't mention to my wife that
they're showing how selfish they can be by buying us a new dishwasher and
offering to baby-sit 2 of the 4 days this week my wife is going in to work.

But I hung up on my wife and left a message later on saying I'd be home after
11:30 or so because I'm working out.  I also have a lot to think about as
I'm getting more and more impatient with the way she's acting up.

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