Tuesday, March 16, 2004

My Ever-Changin' Never-Changin' Work Thing

Got the nod today from another department here at work:  Whiner is on
her way out.  Not totally good and not totally bad.  Her replacement
is just as bad if not worse and that comes directly from this other department.

Great.  Time for 'Killer' to come to work again.

Making things even more interesting around work today is that my wife is working
on campus the rest of the week.  As if dropping out of "work me"
wasn't already difficult when my parents were hanging around, now I have to
worry about my wife catching on to things as well.

Whoa boy.

I also heard today that someone was actually fired and after all the crap I've
done/been through for me to still be here... well, let's just say it's amazing
that anyone is fired around this place.  But it happened late last week and
I'm a little shocked to hear who it was.  She always seemed fine. 
Well, actually, she seemed quite stressed the first time I met her and when I
couldn't help her, I just welcomed her to work.  Kind of a "deal with
it, you can't get everything done when you want to!!"  Whatever the
case, she's gone now and there's an opportunity for me to move on as well.

What are my chances of moving on?  Very little.  I've been here long
enough to know what happens and I don't see it happening.  I'll still try,
though.  It's better, much much better, than where I am right now. 
I'd be pretty much working on my own, after all.

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