Friday, March 19, 2004

My Over-Analysis

Putting the anal back in analysis... since 2003.

Sex Caffeine' took My Quiz and by now it's fairly obvious that I'm going to
over-analyze everything she answered.  and, in order to prove what a total
shithead I am, I even out analyze my analysis.  And now I've used 'anal'
three times in one paragraph.

Four times, sorry.

Ah, but not to worry --these are supposed to be my mad musings and if you didn't
think I was made before, then this one will finally clinch it for me.  SC
printed out the quiz and highlighted the answers and handed them to me. 
Wasn't that nice of her?  she'd filled them out online, but was
uncomfortable with registering her name and I guess I can't blame her. 
Although I know there are certain readers of this blog that are just now
realizing they may have been able to put a real name to the person. 
There's one reader in particular I know would've solved the issue and most
likely could've put a face to the name as well.  Resourceful little brat.

SC would've been a high scorer too.  How well does she know me?  She
knows I'm left handed and that my 17-cent goldfish is 5 years old.  She
knows I got a speeding ticket and she knows where I was born and that I'm the
youngest child.  she kows I'd rather be the driver than the passenger, that
I sing in the car, and she knows no one calls me 'Chief.'  She knows what
university gave me a scholarship and what it was for.  She knows who are
"My Kids" and who are "my children."  She knows how
often I get into big trouble, that I worked at a modelling agency and that I
used to carry a gun.  She knows what I sell on eBay and that my next big
purchase is going to make me a single man again.

But she didn't know I prefer blondes over brunettes or redheads. 

Or that I claim to have been intimate with only 3 of my 4 professed "true

So my first thought was that SC should've known I like blondes.  SHE'S
blonde.  My second thought then was that she should know there's one person
I've truly loved that I haven't been intimate with --it's her.  Then I
started thinking 'why didn't she guess correctly about buying a car? Why did
she say condo? She guessed right about the divorce, though!

Then, the second round of analysis began....  Maybe she's denying that
we fell for each other.  Maybe that's what she's saying by answering I
prefer brunettes instead of blondes.  My wife is brunette, right?  And
that explains the true love answers too

Round #3: She died her hair blonde.  I've seen her drivers' licence...
she's a brunette!  Is that what she's saying.  She's a natural
brunette and therefore I
do prefer brunettes like her.  Yeah, and
she knows that a divorce could happen and
that's why I'd be buying a
But is she hoping for a divorce because then it's okay for
us to be together?

I knew this would happen.... anyone still not convinced I'm insane?

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