Friday, March 05, 2004

My Huggy Bear

Got some very good news on Wednesday morning.  One of the guys here let
me know that F-Bomb's job is on the line at the moment and it doesn't look like
she'll be here much longer.  The very good part is that her replacement
could be a great person to work with and that just totally made my day.  In
fact, I almost hugged him.  I'd like her job and know I can do it. 
The problem in this working environment is that I have more power over who gets
the job if I'm on the hiring committee than if I apply for the job --especially
knowing that there are others that I could get along with and they could
do the job.  My time will come.

My last entry about the Co-Workers From Hell (the last big one anyway), I talked
about the points they were earning for all the screw-ups they've had this week
and, frankly, I'm amazed Whiner is even still coming to work.  A project
she apparently finished weeks ago wasn't received even though she knows she
faxed it.  She put it through the fax machine, but there's no report
stating it was received and it's the only receipt report we don't have. 
And the bonehead found out almost 9:30 at night.  I started getting
panicked phone calls early Thursday morning and I had no idea what was going on
or what exactly had gone wrong.  Whiner had sent an email message to F-Bomb
and my boss, but not to me.  I had no idea why everyone was panicking, but
it was starting to make me nervous for all of us just because I couldn't answer
any questions I was getting that morning.  GAH!!

Even worse is I was trying to get all my crap together for a career fair we were
having that day.  I almost had everything ready when I noticed a flurry of
new email messages in my inbox --all from Brenda.  A little worried since
they all had the same response, a vacation reply.  I decided to phone her
and let her know that if she'd received any emails from me that morning (or even
the day before), not to open them as they may have a virus and proceeded to
explain the virus issue with Whiner.

While I was on the phone, F-Bomb had come into the office area and mouthed a
question asking who I was talking to on the phone.  I mouthed back 'Brenda'
and she rolled her eyes.  Then she shook her head.  Sex Caffeine had
just walked in --wanting to know if I had time for a coffee before setting up
for the career fair (she had to set up too and as it turned out, we were next to
each other in the exhibitor area.  Super.

When I got off the phone with Brenda, I told SC I'd meet her in the exhibitor
area and we could talk and set up and then grab our "free coffee and muffin" and
talk before the fair started (we had an hour).  First, of course, I had to
talk to F-Bomb about the panicked phone calls.

F-Bomb explained Whiner's latest "foul-up" to which I just kept rolling my eyes
and looking over to where SC had walked and said I needed to go and get coffee.

Whiner let out a big sigh and said, "Jesus, it's a wonder you're still married."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, well I still am!" And walked away.

And it wasn't until I sat down for a coffee with SC and explaining who I'd been
talking to on the phone that I realized something major.

F-Bomb knows....

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