Friday, March 12, 2004

My Latest Non-Weekend

I'm trying to remember the last time I actually spent a weekend at home and
away from work people.  I'm thinking it's when I went to the 90h birthday
party, but I also think I headed into the office later that night.  Maybe
January?  Whatever the case, I'm doing something tomorrow that involves
work people.

We're having a curling "funspiel" tomorrow afternoon from 2-6. 
At least it isn't a full-day event.

I've never curled in my life, but looking forward to trying.  My parents
probably still have a basement full of trophies for curling and in my life I've
never seen them curl.

My wife wants me to take my parents, but then I can't like the "work
me" and it was a difficult role to try and get out of last weekend at the
basketball games.  My parents drove the 90 minutes from their place to
watch the games with me.  I think there was a little concern with the way I
was acting with all these under 20ish girls.  I can only try and explain to
them how I'm all about the love... and they wouldn't buy it anyway.
Next weekend
is a non-weekend as well as I'm travelling to Kamloops to take in the men's
national basketball championships and *enh-heh-heh* meet up with Brenda to
reminisce.  I had to talk to one of the basketball players tonight. 
After he saw me out for my run (which I usually do over lunchtime, but working 3
straight weeks of nights meant I was running at 4:30) he started saying I was
getting in shape for my Ex.  But with F-Bomb still thinking (and freaking 'cuz
she's so good at it) that I'm being indecisive about my date for the awards
banquet in April (she thinks I'm debating between my ex and Sex Caffeine --no
mention of my wife at all.  Hello?) and him joking about hooking up with my
ex, I think it's best to let him know ahead of time who I'm taking to the
banquet so he doesn't come up and ask me "Is this the ex girlfriend??"

I also told him if he does, he has to help me move out.

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