Friday, March 26, 2004

My Naughty Thursday

Trust Alberta to give me something to write about.  Let's get this
straight first.  If you've never heard the term "smokin' hot" and
wanted to know what it means, well Alberta is a prime example.  She's
5'6", slightly muscular, curvy in the right places, blonde, blue-eyed and
smart as Hell.  I think nearly every athlete here has a crush on her and I
get to boss her around (and keep the guys away).  she's my policewoman and
watches what I eat.  Last night, however, was a different story.

On 2 levels.

Okay first off, I'm a guy and guys have thoughts about virtually every woman
they see.  Hell, sometimes it's just the hair that makes guys stop and wait
to check out everything else before deciding it's time to move on or (in my
case) yank at the shirt collar and gulp a bit.  So, yeah, every once in a
while I look at this girl sitting beside me (obviously not right now or I'd get
a slap to the face if not worse) and ponder...

Secondly, she's supposed to be policing what I eat and she's been fairly good at
it until Thursday night.  That's when she look me in the eye and said:

"Let's be a little naughty tonight."

Remember, I'm a guy and guys have thoughts about virtually every woman they
see.  And let's just say I'm glad I was sitting down at the time. 
Yeah, food wasn't the first thing to pop into my head. 

Nor was it second. 

In fact, I have a feeling she talked for a good five minutes before I realized
she was talking about food --and talking about food that gave me cravings... for
food though.  Hehe.  She started going on about chocolate cake and
chocolate chip cookies.  Then she switched to perogies and farmer's sausage
and from that she delved into buffet tables at Chinese restaurants.  She
wanted to go with me to a Chinese restaurant as soon as we were done work. 
Only she kept forgetting that I'm done a few hours after she is.

Why in God's name didn't I just go????

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