Monday, January 28, 2008


[one word, still works!]

I always think that the moment I have good news, everyone rooting for me will be happy.

Not true.

In fact, my wife was really upset that day and it continued for a week. See, the day I got the new job offer, her job (one of my old jobs at the office From Hell!) was cut by 80%. They did it "to be fair" to the on-call workers who were barely getting any shifts because of the quality of work she was doing.

Yep, read that again. She was doing such a great job, they cut her hours so the people who aren't good at it can have a chance to work. It still boggles the mind to think this place is considered one of the "top employers" in Canada... I'll never figure out who filled out that survey.

What doesn't help is me being sympathetic/empathetic about her situation. Despite the fact that I'd "been there" (literally.. I got booted from that job once to be replaced by a woman who had told her boss to 'f--- off' and the HR department asked her which job she'd rather do and gave her mine!) didn't go over well with my wife. No matter how often over the years she's seen me in a similar situation, it still hurt her and confused her. There's no reward for good work. There's nothing rewarding about working there at all. I've told her in the past to quit and my new job coinciding with this latest insult should be the perfect sign to walk away. But she didn't see it that way and we argued into the night.

I had nothing left to say and when she wanted to talk about it the next day, she took my saying "I've said everything I have to say. All I can do is listen." to mean: "I'm not talking about it."

We're still not talking about it.


I left work for good on Friday. It was great to go.

I also realized earlier in the week that the last time I quit a job was just after high school. In 17 years, I've quit 2 jobs. I've been laid off, had contracts expire, and businesses close down around me. But I've only quit twice.

It's funny, but I've always been depressed starting a new job because I've either had to settle or I'm expecting the worst to happen. This new opportunity is the first in a long time where I'm excited to go and eager to start. I'll keep the week off, though.

It was odd to have people sad to see me go, as I don't usually get that from a majority of people (hehe). But in this case, I had a marathon of handshakes, and well-wishes and the big boss for our division told me if things don't work out to give him a call. I'm welcome back anytime? Me? Weird.

The saddest goodbye (for him, anyway) was my "partner" who has been driving me insane for the entire month of January. After I finished shaking hands, I turned around and he was standing there with a major pout, giving me a salute. He kind of reminded me of Radar saying goodbye to Colonel Blake in that really sad episode of MASH.


I'm out of there and happy to flee! :)


I'm home for a week before heading off to the new job. I'm supposed to be working on a new website design for a company, but the guy who's supposed to get me all the resources I need is off for the week because his wife had a baby over the weekend.

I could work on my own, but I haven't nailed down a design for mine yet... geez.

My first bit of housekeeping was to go through my MSN contacts and block most of my now-former coworkers. Aren't I nice? I don't want them "feeling free" to get in touch with me this week.... or for a while into the future either.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


If Facebook is good for nothing else (and with the number of times I've had to repeatedly login and tell it to "remember me" this week, it pretty much is good for nothing else), it's reading what people... friends... are up to.

Maybe this will become a quasi-theme this year. Checking over friends' status and jotting down the more interesting ones...
  • Michelle is excited about skating on the longest outdoor rink in the world.
  • Diana ate the other M.
  • Jessica has her soya sauce and destiny is fulfilled.
  • Kylie is related to someone from Star Trek. Good enough reason to dabble in the Chardonnays. [I agree]
  • Pat is a supercop with a jetpack and a devil-may-care attitude.
Geez, out of 188 friends that wasn't much. Oh well.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The results from the job interview came in quite quickly from the interview on Tuesday. I was told it would be a week. And having dealt with the old office (From Hell!) when it came to job postings, a "week" to an job candidate can actually be up to 3 weeks (or not informed at all).

This took less than 24 hours.


No more.

No more annoying commute, switching modes of mass transportation every 30 minutes.
No more being left in the dark about my job responsibilities.
No more annoying work partner.
No more missing trains because of slow traffic and a slower crossing light.
No more extremely low pay.

No more.

Effective February 4, I start a much better job (with the company at #1 on my list when I was in school) and I'm already bouncing off the walls.

I have one week left at work. One week and I never have to go there again.

Thank God.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I was invited out to some basketball games last weekend. My favorite coaches from the old office (From Hell!) were both coaching. The men's coach is with a different university now and the women's coach is still with my old department. But I was excited to see them and the remaining players still eligible to play.

See, my old boss (From Hell! --I'll stop that now, for this post anyway) had fired the one coach at the beginning of the season before taking off himself "for greener pastures". The coach eventually got a job at another university with an open position and fortunately a long-time rivalry with the old team.

When his first home game came up, I got a call to come out and see the game.

I jumped at the chance, knowing he'd be there, his son would be there, and I still knew a couple player's on the men's team. The women were playing too, and there were a couple I knew there too, as well as a number of former players filling the stands.

When I first arrived, I walked in right behind the president from my old office. He kept looking at me in the ticket line, obviously trying to place me. He wasn't doing so well since it's been 4 years since he last stole my fries at an after-game dinner. But look he did, and I could tell he was frustrated. The man's a huge basketball fan and that would help him figure it out later.

Once I got to my seat, I saw the pres sit 2 rows in front of me. And yes, he kept looking back throughout the first game.... still not placing me. As the former players started coming in, he figured it out. Here's national championship players walking right by their "biggest fan" and giving me hugs and handshakes. Their "biggest fan" lost their support when he allowed their favorite coach to be fired. They all made sure he heard them say that too. National champions, national athletes of the year, even national team members were coming over to talk and reacquaint, all in sight of this poor man who was finally cluing in. It was great.

See, the thing he never realized and obviously my boss could never grasp while I was there was that I loved the kids. I was there to make sure they were successful on the court and off of it. I was there to make sure they didn't have needless distractions. I was there to ensure they got an education and not just play a sport for a year. I was there for them and for their future.

So was their coach. And he was fired for it.

The kids knew who was there for them and on this night they showed it and didn't care if someone else's ego was crushed. He did some crushing of his own before.


I totally blew it. I never should've admitted to the 'Train Hottie."

Since I brought her up on this blog, I've seen her maybe 5 times. 2 times she sat with me. The other 3 times, I've seen her departing at night or in a different car. The train's had more people, that is true, but I haven't seen her sitting in Car 4 since December. It's sad, really.


Here's some things looking at my current job compared to the potential job:

Current: Low pay for a lot of work
Potential: Higher pay for less of the same work.

Current: Tough commute that sees me in the office after 2 hours on mass transit.
Potential: Easier commute that sees me in the office after 90 minutes on mass transit.

Current: Supervisory role with no promised pay increase for... 2 years!!
Potential: Non-supervisory role with no promised pay increase (because I don't have the job yet).

Current: Multinational company that usually takes 1-5 days to get a response to a question.
Potential: Local company that usually takes 10-15 minutes to get a response to a question.

Current: A couple of friends there who hate their jobs and want out ASAP.
Potential: A couple of friends there who love their jobs and can't believe why people work where I do.

I'm sure there's bad things too, but right now I don't really care. The bad show up eventually. It's all just a matter of balance in the versus war....


I hope I don't use up a lot of good words today....

I forgot to mention the money. There's lots of "money" things right now.

To start, my pay finally got sorted out. It appears the payroll office took an entire week to enter our bank information, so we didn't get paid. I say "we," because it happened to 7 of us. 2 people did get paid and we found out later it was because their forms were put on top of the Inbox. I hate people to who start with the work on the bottom of the pile....

I've been paid again and the 20% raise comes in handy. Is it enough? No. I still have $200 a month for my commute, which is essentially eating up the entire raise. Sad.

The job I interview for today is another 25-35% increase over what I'm currently making. Um, yeah, that's good incentive.


Today is my second interview with the new company, hence my trip downtown on a workday. I'm hoping for something good out of this as my stress level is almost through the roof at work. My "partner" is beyond childish, which makes an interesting (and loud --from me) dichotomy when he's only a year younger than me. He usually acts about 30 years younger than me, though.

The first interview was postponed even after I took a day off work for it. It was a phone interview, so I ended up taking the call at work and hiding in a corner to try and avoid as many people as possible. Surprisingly, it worked. The interview also worked out and that's why I'm downtown today!

It's at 12:30 about 5 blocks from here. I have time. Time to pray and time to worry and time to focus. And time to go to the washroom, which I've done 5 times already this morning!!


OK, been a couple weeks since posting... too much going on and not enough time to put thoughts into words. I'm actually doing this from the Vancouver Public Library today as I'm downtown on business and have time to kill.

I had a different theme in mind for 2008. It did not, however, work out. Going against my usual tradition of "splainin" the theme at the year's changeover, I'm revealing the themes for 2007 and 2008 in this post. 2007 was all about "The One" which I basically stole from 'Friends' as that's how they titled every episode. 2008 is different and since I couldn't think of anything better, the titles for this year are simply a single word that follows a theme in each post.

This may mean more posts from me and shorter than normal as well.

Deal with it. :)