Wednesday, February 18, 2004

My Valentine

I wasn't sure just what to expect for Valentine's Day, but after a lame
birthday and a disease-ridden Christmas, the answer was: Not Much.  In
fact, I made a bet with 2 of My Kids that there was no way my wife could
surprise me for Valentine's and if she did, then I'd buy them dinner at the last
game of the season --February 28th.  They're starving students, so both
took the bet.  Sunnie wanted to call my wife, but I poo-pooed that, saying
that my wife had to surprise me on her own free will (knowing full well that
wouldn't happen).

I wanted to go to downtown Vancouver and spend the day going through shops along
Robson St. then maybe head over to a favourite Italian restaurant for
dinner.  If not that, then maybe dinner and a movie in town.

But no, my wife waits until February 13th to find a babysitter.  We get one
very last minute, so our Valentine's date consists of dinner at ABC (which is
basically a dressed-up Denny's) and then home. No movie, no nothin'!

Well, the waitress managed to spill our wine with dinner, so we didn't have to
pay, that was good.  We here home by 8pm and everyone but me were fast
asleep by 10.

How exciting.

And, no, no surprises so my starving kids will have to wait a while longer to

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