Monday, February 23, 2004

My Risk Factor of Zero

I mentioned last week that I was taking a gable on an eBay auction. 
Well, I lost, but I'm not too upset by it.  It was for a position as
assistant coach with a hockey team made up of old NHL players, including Cam
Neely, Bryan Trottier and Tiger Williams.  I bid $250.00, but it went just
over $300 in the end.  Crap.

At the same time, though, I'd opened the local newspaper and there was a
full-page ad for a dealership with the EXACT car I've wanted to buy in the EXACT
colour and EXACT specifications.  Not only do I never flip the paper open
to the car ads, but I did and this is what hits me.  I decided to go to the
car lot after the birthday party and wouldn't ya know it --it sold before lunch
that same day.


Even when I gear myself up to take these risks I still blow it!!

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