Thursday, February 19, 2004

My Slow Day

It's nearing 10am and I've seen 3 people so far today.  Thank God I made
coffee this morning or I'd be in big trouble.

There are no classes on campus today or tomorrow for a "reading break"
for students.  Students put it in quotes because they say it's not
really a break as they're still busy with studying and homework.  I
put it in quotes because none of My Kids are around today as most of them have
taken off for the weekend to go skiing.  When I was a student, I used the
time to sleep in.

One of my three people this morning was of the "dude, where's my
class?" variety.  I love it when something as important as a DAY OFF
slips right by them.  The other 2 work in the restaurant in the building,
which means that whenever I order food, it may not take too long and actually be
warm for change since I'm the only one around.  Well, a slight chance

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