Friday, February 06, 2004

My Love of Sleep

I got about an hour's sleep about 6:30pm yesterday.  I had a meeting at
7 and knew I'd need a coffee to get through at least a portion of it.  I
had a report to give and found out when I got there, they'd pushed me back on
the agenda from my traditional 'Item #3' spot to 'Item #6' which meant it would
be well after 9pm before I gave my report.  Then it became #7 when they
added an additional report before mine (and they were all heavy discussion

Even worse was the first report on a new policy regarding funding for special
projects.  It's been a project of its own for about 6 months now and the
final copy was ready for approval.  And then the discussion started. 
45 minutes later, nearly every line of policy had been altered --some more than
once.  One of the guys pointed out that there was no yearly limitation to
the numbers of projects allowable written in the policy.  Traditionally, we
only approve one of these special projects every other year.  Before anyone
else had an opportunity to speak about that I added my opinion:  Based on
how long our discussion on the policy is taking, it will take us more than a
year to approve any projects anyway, so why waste even more time writing that

One of the reports submitted before mine began with a comment of how I kept
checking my watch throughout the meeting (well, yeah!) and therefore he was
going to keep it short (light applause from me).  While he wrapped up his
report and we moved on to the next one (with mine following), I looked over at
the calendar to check the date for my next report update due date.  One of
the meeting members noticed me looking at the calendar and asked me if I was
giving up on wondering what hour we were getting out of the meeting and now
looked to see what day we would be leaving.  'It couldn't hurt!' I replied.

I hate indecisiveness and these meetings are brimming with it.  Yes, I'm
being more vocal about it, but I'm bloody tired!!  They wanted me to chair
the meetings until I threatened that they wouldn't convene until we'd reached a
decision on any item brought on the agenda to the meeting.

As it was, I got home just before 11pm.  And my initial thought was to
watch Survivor.  I got through it okay, but started to fall asleep on the
couch.  I had prepared for that 'just in case' and put my alarm clock on
the coffee table.

And then my wife woke me up to come to bed.  And I never got back to
sleep.  So, I've had just over an hours' sleep in the past 30 hours.

I miss sleeping.

Tonight, we have dinner plans with my Mom who's flying home tomorrow
morning.  It's an hour's drive to the restaurant.  Could be a late

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