Monday, February 09, 2004

My Pissy Mood

Geez, get a weekend of sleep in me and I come back with an attitude. 
Saturday night, one of my Co-Workers From Hell (F-Bomb to be precise) made a
mistake and it resulted in a fine for our department.  It' embarrassing as
anything because lots of people know it happened.  

F-Bomb bombed.

But the really big problem is that F-Bomb never does anything wrong.  She
was quick to blame it on someone else, as she told me in a phone call on
Sunday.  I don't like that. So, it was a big mistake.  Face up to it,
for God's sake.  If you go around blaming everyone else for your mistakes,
people catch on.  You only prove that you aren't trustworthy because you
never been able to learn from those mistakes.

Even worse, F-Bomb's been dropping comments about confidential material left,
right, and centre for the better part of the past two weeks.  We're
starting to get a little sick of it.

So today I was gearing up for coming into work and lo and behold my Co-Workers
From Hell were already at full-tilt by the time I walked through the
doors.  But I couldn't tell if they'd actually accomplished anything
today.  The whiny one had a list of things for me to hand over to My Kids,
but they were all things she's responsible for handling.  Nope, doesn't
work that way and they're here for her tomorrow too.  There were a couple
of other items that she didn't get around to that I handled as it would bug me
all night if they stayed they way they are.  Can't have that.  Also
can't handle how I'm the only one here who knows the company policies on
issues.  Very frustrating when I have to keep reciting them on a daily

F-Bomb hadn't quite left the office when she laid into one of My Kids about the
fines.  That's even lower than I expected her to go and she got to hear
about it from me from the office all the way to the parking lot.  My boss
watched from his office window and motioned me to come in once I returned to the
building.  He wasn't exactly displeased with me, but was curious why I'd
reacted to her lecture to one of My Kids.  I explained what the problem was
and how F-Bomb had reacted to it (including the Sunday phone call).  and
how I won't stand for it when she takes it out on someone who shouldn't be
responsible for that kind of thing in the first place.

Things got better after that. I was on a roll finding errors and boo-boos by
other people and making sure they were corrected.

but, boy, was I in a pissy mood today.

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