Friday, December 30, 2005

A Good Sign

I'm not supposed to be a firm believer in horoscopes, but do on occasion read them to see what they say. My birthday one usually pegs me pretty closely in their character description and I used to read it regularly when I had that thing with Sex Caffeine. Hey, I was doing so many other things that go against my faith, why not continue then trend?!?

Today's horoscope:
"Surprise news related to your job will likely please you. An unexpected offer might come your way. You might be delighted with some kind of new technology. New co-workers might put a fresh spin on things. Whatever it is -- you'll like it!"
Well, imagine my surprise when I picked up my 'real' schedule today and I got offered a job on campus! It' only potentially 8 hours a week, but that would pay for gas for my commute and the only days I can't work are Wednesday and Thursday. We'll see if it pans out. I'd originally thought only Wednesday would be a problematic day, but it turns out I'm stuck in childcare mode on Thursdays once class is done and I have to race home. Crap!

My wife got offered a job today too at the shop she worked over the Christmas rush.

I just realized, since I left my job a year ago October, there hasn't been a missed payday for her. See, that's what I call a good sign.

[7 posts 'til #500!]

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