Wednesday, December 22, 2004

My Favorites - Continued

I realized the other day that when I listed my favorite TV shows, I'd forgotten to mention the all-important Reality Shows!!


Well, there's only 2 that I really watch as I don't consider 'Last Comic Standing' to be a reality show. 'Last Comic' is too 'entertaining' to be of the reality genre, but as a variety show it works. Unless they decide on another "Best of the Best" series. Actually, I don't think that'll happen since they didn't bother showing the final episode. Too bad too because the first 2 series were fairly good. The Best of the Best should've placed everyone back in houses again, maybe mixing the groups up a bit or something, but not a stanu standoff every week. That was just plain stupid.

But I'm talking about my favorite reality show here. Or, maybe I'll start with what should be the obvious choice (but isn't)...

I never miss Survivor, or at least I try not to miss an episode. Granted, during the All-Star series I felt okay missing an episode or two along the way. I mean, it's not like all the winners of the series were even there, so how they consider it "All-Star" is beyond me. "Media Whores Who Know How to Say 'Yes'" is more to the fact. And it's not like everyone on there was a "favorite." Who'd ask to see Boston Rob in a second Survivor??

Another thing, all but one Survivor series has taken place on a beach. I've heard people argue that, technically, 2 have not --Australia and Africa-- but Australia had beaches, crocs and the whole bit so there were definitely beaches. Just like Amazon. It's a river --but there's the beach too.

So, with Survivor come this:
  1. There's going to be fishing and someone'll lose lures or the complete fishing rod.
  2. If there's a boat available to a camp. Someone will learn the hard way what tides do to things left on the beach.
  3. If you don't know how to swim, you're not going to do well in the Challenges. Period.
  4. It's going to rain.
  5. And while it's raining, every dumbass is going to sit there getting wet and bitch about not having enough water to drink (seriously, where do they find these people?).
  6. Someone with a boob-job is going to fall out of their bikini.
Oh, and there's always going to be someone speaking with such a strong accent that you literally need a translator... they're speaking frickin' English, people!!

The only reason this last Survivor got interesting was that a guy doomed from the merger somehow continued to strive every episode afterward. Once he was voted out, I was planning on stopping watching. No reason as none of the female players really grabbed my attention.

So, what's the best? Amazing Race.

Amazing Race gives you deeper 'character' dynamics in the participants and allows for varied challenges that actually change from series-to-series. Survivor re-hashes old challenges and even revamps them again in the same series. In Amazing Race, you may see someone bungee jump in every series, but one time it'll be off a bridge in Sydney Australia and the next time it's shooting skyward in Berlin. There'll be climbing sheer cliffs but once it'll be in Dover and the next time you tune in they'll be doing it on a glacier in Iceland.

And you never know when there'll be a car accident or someone hauled into a police station. And who didn't laugh when the taxi driver refused to take Jon and his wife any further in Hungary because Jon kept shouting "hurry hurry hurry!!"?

Amazing Race offers something different in each episode and you can always find someone to cheer for, with or against. There's always conflict, always suspense, and always an asshole. And very rarely does the asshole win in the end. (I'll leave it up to you as to who that winner was...).

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I too am a fan of those two reality shows and try not to miss a single episode...I even run a pool at work for Survivor, although it never seems to matter how much I watch and research the contestants...I never pick a do know what you mean about the Race though...the hour flies by and I don't know where it went. I just love seeing where they are going and realizing how "American" some of them are when they dis another culture. It has certainly been my experience when travelling to hear Americans do that. No wonder they sew Canadian flags on their backpacks. Did you hear that comment about how disgusting that one couple thought Africa was? Did they really think they were going to be taken on a Safari in Kenya? Wake up people!!! And there is a HUGE asshole on this season's Race - Jon. He defines the word.

Who do you think will win?