Wednesday, December 22, 2004

My Cat's Seven Years of Bad Luck

My wife decided in November that the downstairs hallway needed a new paint job. I agree. It was a drab blue and is now a neutral biege/brown. She also brought out of storage a mirror my uncle had put together for us as a wedding gift. It's an old farmhouse or barn window frame with mirrors put in each slot. They're quite beautifully done and he made a great hobby out making them before his illness took its toll. Regardless, she brought it out early before we knew where exactly to hang it and I told her it was a bad idea to leave it out.

One of our cats, they're both 10 years old now, has always been a destructive cat. At one point early on in his life, we actually referred to him as the "Destructo-Kitty" for his seemingly mechanical destruction of items in our house. You could put a box of anything in a room and within minutes something inside had been broken.

So, the mirror is leaning against the wall in the hallway when one afternoon I heard a strange "Clunk!" from the basement. My immediate thought was something had fallen over and then I realized the mirror was still in the hall. Sure enough, the mirror had been pushed straight up against the wall and fell forward to hit the opposit wall. Now being in a wood frame saved some of the pieces. The bottom piece, however, shattered. The only way it could shatter is from impact. And that impact was this cat's head.


My cat's in for 7 years of bad luck now. That'll take him to age 17 --if he lives that long. And at the rate he's going, he won't make it to 17.

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