Wednesday, June 02, 2004

My Very Special Episode

My Sit-com continued with an unexpected phone call from an unexpected source.My First Love called on Monday, asking me out for coffee to give us a better chance to reminisce.

And that's when things got a little scary.

I hadn't really thought about it before, but the last time Brenda & I had dated, she hated my newly-grown facial hair (not that I couldn't grow it before... the Hairyhoser was shaving in elementary school, after all).  I'd shaved it off for our last night together, but we'd both decided it was truly over.  For good.  Forever.  Full stop.  Before I went on my little vacation, I shaved off my facial hair for the first time in about 2 years.  and the last time it only lasted about 24 hours before I decided to re-grow my "chin-cover."  I shaved on April 26th and I'm still
clean-shaven today.  That's something I haven't done long-term in, coincidentally, about 12 years.

Coincidentally, it was 12 years ago that I was going out with this really cute blonde for the last time after a somewhat tumultuous 5-year relationship.  When I ran into her again in February (My Amazing Grace), she'd let her natural hair colour come back again and it was a dirty blonde instead of the stunning blonde I'd seen throughout my teenage years.


We decided to get together for coffee.  She happened to be coming to a nearby town for a meeting and called me up to meet beforehand to grab some java and talk.  And there she was.  Blonde and stunning, just like she'd been 12 years ago.  And there I was clean-shaven just as she liked all
those years we were together. 

And it hadn't occurred to me until that exact moment that we were both regressing to a happier time in our lives and maybe hoping that our present and future could possibly have some of that same happiness. 

No more looking back on fond memories. Look forward to new ones instead.

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