Monday, June 07, 2004

My Heart Exploding Words

"Our love surpassed
Our love so fast
Our love's all wrong
Our love goes on and on
Our love became
Our love by name
When I wrote it to you in a song
Our love goes on and on."
  --Rhett Miller, "Our Love"

The first step is accepting you have an addiction.  I'm sure I've
started a post like this before --admitting to an addiction.  Well, today I'm admitting to two.

Firstly, I've fallen for Diet Coke with Lime.  It's the next best thing to a rum & Coke (with, well, lime!).  I like it so much I've even given up regular Coke so that I have more money to spend on the lime.  Oh, and I bought some limes from the grocery store to add to the glass too.  Hell, this has almost replaced coffee.  Except on cooler, wet days like today.

My second addiction has been the subject of probably 75% of the posts on this Blog and I'll also admit that I don't see Sex Caffeine leaving the picture anytime soon.  Yes, I mentioned last week that there's a new man in her life, but we're still getting together for coffee breaks every few days and Friday turned into a pleasant afternoon break out in the sunshine, sipping Diet Coke with Lime (I'm mixing my addictions) whilst sitting in the grass outside the office.

We had a good talk and only once was I concerned that I may have said something hurtful.. Fortunately, I realized the look on her face was due to the lime she'd just stuck in her mouth.  Phew!

For over a year it's been a bizarre love triangle we've had going and suddenly, with the new guy it's become... a "love square" I guess.  But then I think about meeting up with Brenda again and discovering over the weekend that my wife has been talking more and more with 2 of her ex-boyfriends and
things just get more confusing.

Is there such thing as a "love polyhedron"?

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