Saturday, January 01, 2005

Resolution #5

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed."
~Cavett Robert
I think overall, 2004 was one year where I stuck to nearly every resolution for the majority of the year.
  1. A selfish prick? Yes I was, thank-yew-very-much.
  2. Cut down on Coca Cola? Sort of. I stopped with regular Coke for a few months after Diet Coke with Lime arrived on the scene. But I'm back to the normal stuff (and the "healthier" alternative 'C-2') and drink about 3 cans a week.
  3. New friends? Close. I found out who my true friends are and how important it is to value them.
  4. Doing Things that make me better? Big time. New car. New hairstyle... same body but with muscles and a fitness level to it now.
And now 2005 has begun and I need to think up new resolutions. So here we go:
  1. Take this talent and use it. I once was awarded an art scholarship and never used it. I've basically put down the art supplies since then and have felt the urge to draw. Again.
  2. Spend 24 hours on a story. I never did write the 'My 24 hours.' post last year, so I'll have to write about it this year. By April. :-)
  3. Teach my son his first mega-word. My daughter, when she was 2 years old, told people she wanted to be a hematopathologist when she grew up. She said it a friend of mine -a career counsellor- and he had no idea what that was. Now I have to think up a good one for my son...
  4. Land a career by my birthday. Nothing wrong with setting dates for these, right? I'm saying career, because I don't want another job. I want a career, a place where I want to be. That's the second most important lesson I learned this past year. The first was 'have faith.'
  5. Do one thing I've never done before. Be that bungee jumping, climbing, whatever... just to DO something I haven't done means I'll never have to say "I've never..." again.
And thus, we've reached the end of my resolutions for 2005. I hope I can do as well again this year.

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