Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Happy Being Miserable

I don't believe that life is supposed to make you feel good, or make you feel miserable either. Life is just supposed to make you feel.
~Gloria Naylor
I felt compelled to write both yesterday and the day before, but I just couldn't motivate myself to do it. I'm sick. Again. Only this time, it feels like I've thrown up and am left with that nagging stinging pain in the back of my throat. Not that there's been any vomit this time around. I got this --whatever it is-- from my wife, who now claims I got it just so people would feel sorry for me. Yeah, well, isn't that the point of getting sick? Like I WANT to get sick...

I fell asleep early on Saturday night. Woke up late on Sunday morning and fell back to sleep after my shower. Well after going to church and out for lunch, I ended up crashing on the in-law's sofa for another good 90 minutes or so. I also went to bed early Sunday night --just after 11 when I'm usually good until 2:30 or 3.

On Monday, I basically did the same thing only I felt much worse than before. And to top it off, my wife just thinks I'm being lazy.

So sweet!

My son is sick too, but that's just a concern not a problem like me.

So then there's the news that Monday is the most miserable day of the year. I don't agree with that. Sunday was worse.

I'm sick. My wife's sick. My son's sick. It was beautiful outisde, but all I wanted to do was sleep. My wife's mad because I'm lazy. The service at the restaurant on Sunday took forever.

And Johnny Carson's dead.

Worst day ever.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

awww...poor hoser...you need some TLC, not berating! It sure sucks to be sick...I haven't had a bad cold in a few years I think.(knock on wood)

Hope you're feeling better soon!