Friday, January 28, 2005

Feeling Groovy

I'm still sick, but I've moved onto the "extra strength" medicine now. So, I'm sick, but I'm feeling good.

I had to go out last night and my wife suggested I take a Tylenol 3 before leaving to help with the headache that's been a constant since Sunday. Yeah, like that would've been a good idea to go driving for 20 minutes after taking one of those.

The "ice breaker" at the meeting was a quiz which I totally rocked throughout. People actually commented that they couldn't belive the stuff I knew from the quiz. I guess they just think of me as this goofy guy who's quick with a comment and filled with some interesting stories in his life, but they had no idea I could throw out answers like I did that night.

Then, this morning, I had an email just begging (or is that egging?) to be answered. It was a Star Trek question and although I don't consider myself a Trekkie or Trekker or whatever it is they call themselves. I just happened to know the answer to the question and decided to fill in a few details as well. But I'm not a Trekkie.

My brother-in-law's best friend will attest to that. I hate the guy --and I don't think I hate too many people-- and I hate the way he walks, talks... oog, everything!! When we were first introduced, my b-i-l says, "you two will have a lot to talk about since you're both such big Star Trek fans!" To which this guy responds, "Oh, well you're not a real fan unless you know *blah-blah-blah* happened in episode *yadda-yadda* of this series." My reaction: "I guess I'm not a fan then, am I?" and walked away. Loser. :-)

In college, my roomies and I did create a Star Trek the Next Generation Drinking Game. I wish I could remember some of it or had a copy to post, but the one that always stuck in my head was "The Picard Maneuver," which had you down 9 shots (in homage to the warp 9 speed in the maneuver) whenever Picard stood up and needed to tug down his shirt. We were nice in the rules, though, and you had to finish the shots by the end of the episode, not all at once.

But I'm not a Trekkie!

[just please ignore my stuffed Tribble, my Star Trek costume, my Bird of Prey bumper sticker, my Klingon coffee mug, the framed filmstrip from 'Generations, my phaser keychain, and the Klingon action figures.... oh, and the fact I can do the 'Live Long and Prosper' hand sign without any difficulty. Just ignore those, okay?]

1 comment:

Dreama said...

you are such a is my dad, but only for the original series. My brother likes all of them....I used to like watching the Next Generation and the original one with my dad, but haven't watched an episode for years.