Friday, January 28, 2005

Among the Stars

So I've been watching episodes of the new Battlestar Galactica series off of a UK feed. The episodes are shown like 3 months in advance in the UK before they're shown on the Sci-Fi Network.

I originally mentioned that I was enjoying the series -somewhat- in a post back in early December. Well, I'm loving it now and it continually has gotten better with each episode.

What's really cool about the delayed Sci-Fi episodes is that the series has basically just begun for North American viewers, but it's up to episode 14 in the UK. And the latest episode had quite the cool cliffhanger ending.

But it's not like I can talk to anyonw about it, since I'm watching something like 11 episodes ahead right now...

Oh man, is it good!

I'll just shutup now and disappear into a geekier corner of my office.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

of course, someone from the UK could actually read you blog and be able to chat about it...heh heh...