Friday, November 05, 2004

My Marathon

So, my plan now is to have at least 100 posts in place by Christmas. Yeah, you read that right: ONE HUNDRED POSTS by Christmas.. I don't really have anything else planned quite yet leading up to Christmas, so maybe this is doable.


So, news on the job search.... Nothing yet, but I've submitted my resume at a number of places, most of which mean a longer commute. I applied for work at JP Morgan and Chase for a training job quite similar to a job I had 7 years ago. I applied to the Credit Union Centre of British Columbia, looking for a Government Contact Liaison. Again, similar to work I've done before. The best, and closest was to Trinity Western University in their IT department in an extremely similar job to what I was just doing before my sudden departure.

There were others as well, but those are my top 3 hopefuls. I'm dying to hear something --anything-- soon. My resume is online with 'Monster' and hopefully I hear from an employer. So far, I've gotten a call from Primerica, but I'm smart enough to know to stay away from them ;-)

Meanwhile, it's up to eBay to help me support my family. Fortunately, my wife has been more forgiving of my time on the computer since I'm putting it to good use in her eyes. I usually do useful things on the computer, but she never saw it that way before. Right now I have 28 things on eBay. Not much, I know, but I'm trying to get a bunch more ready for this weekend. I've noticed a new trend and curious to see if any other eBayers have seen it. People rarely bid early on anymore, but add the item to their "watch list" and wait until the last day to bid. I have a couple items with 10+ people "watching" them. They all end on Sunday. Some of them I was hoping to see got for $20 or more, but they don't even have bids on them yet. Frightening, but then I just look and see how many people have checked the auction out (one is currently at 164 visits which I think is the highest I've ever had) and how many have added it to their list (in the case of the 164 visitors, there are 7 'watchers').

Speaking of the other half.... she got a call last night and is officially employed on a regular basis through to New Year's now. I can breathe a little easier knowing that something's finally happening for her. She loves retail work (I hated it when I did it --and I owned my own business) and even though she has a degree, she's seriously done nothing with it. I don't have my degree yet and at the rate I'm going, I never will.

So, off to the races, eh?

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