Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My Anticipation

I'm hearing from my old job that the Department From Hell (which, by coincidence, is home to the Boss From Hell and the co-Workers From Hell) is in a panic as they can't find files --and are putting the blame solely on me.

I'd heard the "sabotage" bit before and rolled my eyes. Here's the story:

My last night in that department (from Hell!) I spent the ending hours of my shift sifting through 'My Documents' deleting the crap files (the personal stuff) and transferring the important documents into corresponding file folders in the departmental hard-drive (From Hell!). I moved my photoshop images and some web images onto my personal hard-drive and just continued to delte the crap. Afterwards, I sent out an email listing the items and where they could be found to the Boss and Co-Workers From Hell. An email which, apparently, no one decided was important enough to keep. I still don't think they've clued into the fact that anyone who sends a message through the network also has the ability to observe what happens to that message. If they open it --I know. If they reply --I know. If they forward it --I know. If they delete it without even bothering to read it --I know that too. And they all just deleted it.

When I moved to the new job, I knew the panicked calls would start and that would then be followed by assinine emails. I think I mentioned the panicked request on how to attach something to an email. Good lord, these people really are from Hell. Even more funny is that they were trying to attach an image file that they now can't find because I "sabotaged" the files and deleted it. Yep, a week after I moved departments and no longer had access to those files, I deleted it.

They are in such a panic now that they've requested access to my personal hard-drive. It was given to them, but only after my last boss --a good friend-- deleted any files he thought might be relevant. Gotta love it.

I'm sure no one is willing to explain to them how there are tape back-ups of all the files. That would be too much trouble especially after I had to instruct them on attaching an email message.

So, now I'm anticipating a phone call (from Hell!). How long will it take them to get the nerve to phone me --after they got me fired-- at home? Who's going to do it? And how soon will they hear back from me? And how loud will I be?

I await with eager anticipation.

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