Saturday, June 18, 2005

Married to a Memory

So, I thought I'd go for a joke about the wedding and throw in a "Graduate" style banging on glass and convincing her to run off with me...

But something even more interesting happened instead.

I had to go to school first, what with today being the last day of the semester and all. So, I warned the instructor I'd be leaving early to get to Sex Caffeine's wedding. I handed in my last assignment (my 3rd 100% assignment in a row in that class) and said my goodbyes to everyone and off I went!

Only to discover my keys were locked inside the frickin' car.

I tried calling my wife, but only got the voicemail. Left a message, but told her I'd see what I could do in the meantime.

Fortune favours every once in a while and it just so happened that 'H,' which not only stands for her real name, but can also rightly stand for "hottie" 'cuz she IS the hottie at school; was picking up her marks. We're not in the same program, but we were in a couple of courses together. We talked about my boo-boo (the one day I don't use the keychain doorlock!!) with the car and that I'm kinda in a rush to get to the wedding (almost an hour's drive away and it starts in 40 minutes!).

So she offered to get me to the wedding.

On her motorcycle.

She quickly whipped home to get the second helmet (I just prayed it wasn't a funky disco helmet and was quite relieved to see a pretty awesome dragon head instead) and returned within minutes. So, I left another message for my wife and climbed on the motorcycle.

And like a bat outta Hell, we were off!

Made it to the wedding on time. H stayed with me and offered to drive me home after the wedding for the spare keys and then back to school for my car. No problem, right?

OK, slight problem. Sex Caffeine is, among other things, someone I used to work with. That meant there were several people, whom I used to work with, at the wedding. Several people who know me quite well. Who know me and my wife quite well.

And here I am with a total hottie, climbing off a motorcycle.

So, yeah, good wedding. Quite a number of stares at H & I. (still shaking my head) And I'm ure there will be quite the number of conversations on Monday at my old office. H & I have already agreed to collaborate on our graduating project. My program automatically puts me in the creative leader for my group, so this could be interesting. H actually referred to me as her boss to one person asking why she was at the wedding. Thank God it was casual, since she was in leather...

Ssssooooo.... moving on...

My old boss, Big Mama, was there. She was desperate to know what had happened when I left. I promised to tell her some other time (just basically guaranteed myself a free lunch). One of the ladies who had originally started the whole affair rumor between Sex Caffeine & I was there as well and I'm sure she was antsy as anything waiting to tell someone... *anyone* about the woman I was with.

Ah, I may have been gone from the office for 8 months now, but my reputation won't die easily.


Madley said...

You and the motorcycle TOTALLY beats Dustin Hoffman beating on the glass!

What a great story... you never cease to surprise me, HH!

Dreama said...

cool. what kind of bike was it? I would love to own a nice Harley...

Big Hoser said...

Um.... blue.

It's an older (now) BMW. Sweet looking bike, really.
