Friday, June 03, 2005

Little Bits

Pissy mood today, brought on by lack of sleep and prospect of little-to-no sleep over the next few days, dammit!

1. Was up until 2am doing homework. I'm not leaving things until the last minute, but they take that long... Was due at 8:30am and I had to get up at 5:30.
2. A major part of my route has been closed for the past few days. Well, at least that's what the signs and barricades say. People still use the road and get through to the other freakin' side faster than those of us abiding the law.
3. Finally got the information sheet on our term paper in the writing class. It's worth 40% of our mark and due NEXT FRIDAY (a week earlier than originally scheduled). That didn't help my mood.
4. Still waiting to hear on the final assignments for 2 of my 5 courses this semester. T-minus 2 weeks to go.
5. I may be a little quiet over the next week or so as I try and get caught up on all this work.
6. Only typed 17 pages yesterday and hoping for 8 or so tonight. Tomorrow's assignment is, fortunately, already done.
7. 25% of my final due a week next Monday is done.
8. 10% of my final due a week next Tuesday is done.
9. 2.5% of my final due next week is done. Shite.
10. Aaaannnndddd a big 0% for the other 2 'cuz I don't know anything about them yet.


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