Thursday, June 09, 2005

Character Assassination

Was watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart the other night (it's finally on in Canada at 12:05am...) and there was a bit on W. Mark Felt, AKA Deepthroat. His grandson was commenting on how Felt should be regarded as an American hero.

(I could go off on a tangent here about how I feel about Americans and their concept of heroes, but hey whatever gets your patriotism going...)

But, as Stewart points out, it's one thing for a family member to praise your actions and character. It's something else to view who decides it's time for some character assassination. For W. Mark Felt, there were 3 people highlighted who feel Felt did more harm than good: G. Gordon Liddy, Pat Buchanan, and Robert Novack.

Liddy himself went to prison over his role in Watergate. Buchanan was one of Nixon's aides, and Robert Novack just might be "known" only for outing an undercover CIA agent in a newspaper for political revenge. As Stewart calls him, Novack is "a douchebag of liberty."

So, if these are the guys who hate Felt, you really can't help but like the man.

And it got me to thinking... I know of 3 people who truly hate me. Total hate. Not a "I'm don't know about that guy," but people who would celebrate my pain and suffering if something ever happened to me. I'm talking HATE here.

Three people:
1. My old boss From Hell
2. Drama Queen (the ultimate Co-Worker From Hell who came into my new office on a daily basis to see if I'd left for good yet)
3. The Curse (the first in a long line of Co-Workers From Hell in the department From Hell --and retired early instead of working another 30-minute 'day' with me)

I feel so much better about myself!!


Mona said...

Hey Hoser, found you on dreama's site...and I really like your site! Yeah, if you're gonna spend hate time on anyone, it may as well be on a few select people who seem to be from hell. It's a shame that you had to have the experiences to even have to hate them...I feel your pain. Thanks for sharing :)

Big Hoser said...

Actually, I said THEY hate me, not the other way around. I don't hate them. I don't care about them at all. What I'm saying is, if there's got to be people who hate me, then I'm happy it's them because your character is built by those who hate you because they're your opposites.