Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Still recovering from Father's Day.

I know, it sounds stupid. Why would anyone have to recover from Father's Day?

I think I went through a similar thing last year where the only thought I had running through my head was:

"Father's Day would be so much better without the kids..."

OK, not completely true. My daughter was fairly good, although she's discovered "embarrassment" and let me tell you. Embarrassing moments and 5-year old girls go hand-in-hand. So, she'd drop something and it would break. She'd cry and whine for a while.... Oog.

My SON, on the other hand...

Let's put it this way. My daughter's "terrible two's" didn't hit until she was almost 3. We always joked that she'd saved the terribles but they'd arrived with interest.

My son's impatient. He's started his terribles early.

And they've struck with a vengeance. He's basically been screaming since early (***eeeaaarrrlllyyy***) Sunday morning. He's been mean to his sister, hitting her and pulling her hair. He's been rough on my wife --again with the hair. And he's been slamming toy cars into my shins which at first was annoying but the purply-blue bruise now hurts when he whacks it with a Hot Wheels.

And that's basically it. Bruised. A little sunburnt (from pressure washing our driveway today --beofre the thunderstorms rolled in from Seattle). Got a great picture of the full moon last night which I have to get developed before I can share. And, otherwise, just getting addicted to Ultima Online. Again.

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