Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Theatre of Horrors

So, the latest Amazing Race series is finished now and sadly the most deserving couple didn't win. Kris & Jon, despite always playing fairly and looking at everything thrown their way in a positive manner, lost by minutes --minutes!!-- in the final episode. Why? Well, the American Airlines guy told them their flight was the earliest one leaving for Chicago even though it wasn't. Is the competition between United and AA that harsh that the potential of 2 people taking a different flight was worth lying to them? And then to get caught by that train in Chicago. I almost died.

And of course they're still nice people and congratulate the winning team, Freddy & 'The Ugly American' Kendra. (for those not following along, Kendra huffed about the uncleanliness of Africa and how she "can't believe people still keep breeding" there. See? Ugly.)

Anyway, disappointing ending, but at least there's another Amazing Race in just a few shortsweeks, right????

New places, new adventures, new challenges, new people...

What? Rob & Amber?


Can someone please tell these 2 their 15 minutes were up like 3 years ago already?????

And I was so looking forward to the next series!!!

1 comment:

Madley said...

Maybe there will be a god and they'll get elimated right away.

I knew the last episode was last night but needed to check the net to find out what time... and stupid AOL had the f*cking winners posted on their site!!! I'm so pissed! But I watched it anyway... I forgot it was Kendra that was the ugly American in Africa (I thought it was Hayden... wouldn't surprise me if it was the both of them). Man, that kind of thinking just makes me NUTS. I wish something would happen to them somewhere where they'll actually HAVE TO APPRECIATE other cultures... I can't believe people like THEM are going to continue to breed...