Monday, February 21, 2005

Bend or Break

Last Wednesday night we were at a friends' place for a pizza dinner. In this ever-shrinking world we live in, we were having dinner with a group that included the guy who used to deliver pizza to me at the office, which is a bit of a commute from where we live. Needless to say, besides this guy and his wife, I was the only other one at dinner who'd eaten this pizza before. It's great pizza, but I was afraid I'd "talked it up" too much and if it wasn't very good, then I'd look like an idiot.

Well, fortunately I didn't look like an idiot for the pizza --it was great, but when we sat down to the table, I sure did.

Being brought up knowing that elbows do NOT belong on the dinner table, I rested my forearms on the table edge as I sat down. I immediately shot my right arm back as it felt like someone had either just shot me or stuck a knife in me!! My arm hurt so much and as I lifted it away it started pinching like crazy. So, off to the doctor's office the next day only to discover that 2 incidences in the past few months have resulted in --most likely as the x-rays aren't back yet-- a hairline fracture in my forearm. I can still use my arm, but any pressure on the one side just kills. And yesterday it didn't help when I raked my arm across the shoulder belt mounting on my son's carseat. I nearly fainted.

Fortunatey, I'm a lefty, so it hasn't kept me from not doing my normal routines...

1 comment:

Dreama said...

YEOWCH! I broke my forearm twice thus far...the first time, my parents neglected to take me to the doctor so it healed on its own (neither of us knew it was broken). The second time came when I was sledding with my daughter and had my arms out to steer - got caught on a small tree and bent back...OUCH. When I got x-rays on the arm, they informed me this was my second time breaking that arm...WTF? So I assumed it was back in grade 3 when my brother hit me with a crib board and I couldn't write in school or play the piano at my lessons for about 2 weeks...what were my parents thinking??? I was casted the second time, but have a permanent "bow" in my arm from the 1st fracture.