Sunday, February 27, 2005

Stiff-Necked Fools


My son, in desperate need of at least another hour of sleep yesterday morning opted for my chest as the most comfortable spot in the house. My wife was scheduled to teachon Saturday, so it was my turn to get up extra early to take care of him.

But it was 6am and absolutely no logical reason to be awake. So, out to the couch we went so I could be comfortable as well and an hour later, after much wiggling by the boy, we got up and started breakfast for the family.

Except my neck was stiffer than... well, something really, really stiff!! It feels like I have whiplash even today.

As it turned out, my wife was off by a week and doesn't start until next Saturday, so I didn't really need to be sleeping on the couch with my son.

I took some muscle relaxants last night before bed (I was warned that they knock you on your ass, so I waited --and suffered-- until the kids were in bed before I took the 2 pills). The pills did a marvelous job --on my knees. I stumbled around for a while before deciding since I couldn't get to sleep that I might as well lay on the couch (with my neck in a much better position) and watch 'The Terror of Mechagodzilla.'

I was up until 4am...

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