Monday, February 07, 2005

Life As Expected

I actually felt a lot better by Sunday morning and had decided earlier that my wife & I were going out for the day on Sunday. Her parents could look after the kids while she and I were out and about. I was hoping to get to a convention down in Seattle and promised my wife shopping and at least lunch (if not dinner as well) if we went down for the day.

On a good day, Seattle is 3 hours' away so I wanted to be on the road by 9am. It was more like 9:30 and I felt the entire morning as though we weren't going to make it.

It was a little cloudy when we left, but by the time we'd crossed into the U.S., we were met by snow. Which got worse and worse as we headed toward the mountain pass on the route to Seattle.

We didn't go.

The snow was horrible and apparently the area received 10 inches over the weekend. I, being ignorant of horrible weather since it had been fine at home all weekend, was wearing a windbreaker and my wife did think I was crazy for thinking in February the weather was warm enough for that.

So, not really disappointed despite not getting to something I had been looking forward to seeing.

Go figure...

Oh yes, feeling much better now too.

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