Thursday, May 20, 2004

My Post-Interview

I had my interview on Tuesday afternoon and to prove I was nervous I'll admit to getting dressed 3 times that morning.  I couldn't decide what to wear.  One outfit was stylish, but when I looked in the mirror I didn't think "professional office."  that one had to go (but I'm wearing it today).  The next outfit was better and better suited to the weather.  It was sunny and warm and a blue dress shirt and khaki pants made for a better ensemble that still made me look relaxed (and admittedly I wasn't).  but then outfit #3 would be the one to wear for the day as my interview wasn't until 3pm.  That outfit was a pair of dark jeans and a Hawaiian T-shirt.  

And the looks I got...

A number of people who knew I had an interview that day were a little surprised by my choices of clothes, but I had 7 hours of work before the actual interview.  I'd be a mess by the interview if I wore the good outfit all day.  So, I got dressed 3 times.

The interview itself was fairly unique.  There were 7 people in the room besides me, but only 4 were conducting the actual interview.  The other 3 were all observers.  Strange.  I've had a single observer in the room before, maybe once I had 2, but 3 was not something I never expected to
see.  I can an observer from management and the union, but who is the 3rd observer representing?  Ah well, it's not like they were integral to the interview.  The interview itself was conducted by a panel of 4 people --3 of whom I know.  One I'm pretty sure doesn't really like me. and the other 3, fortunately, would all be people I'd be answering to if I get the job.  I could tell my work with Big Mama --although over a year in the past already-- has had some influence on me.  Her gruff 'New York attitude' came out at one point in the interview.  The scenario question was from one of the
department heads: "You're overdue with a report to the vice-president and although you've already asked me for the information twice, I still haven't gotten it to you.  What's your next step?"  I answered: "If email messages and phone messages don't work, then I'll be in your face.  I'll be in your office to door to get the information and let you know why I need it and need it now."  That's Big Mama coming through.

And I really liked that answer.

There are 5 other people being interviewed for the job.  We're short listed from 162 applicants.  I've heard stories from the other 2 interviewed on Tuesday and both claim it was a gruelling interview.  When I was asked by another person (being interviewed 11 minutes from now) if I thought it was
gruelling too, I just exhaled a "hmmm" and raised my eyebrows.  I struggled to keep the "NO. HELL NO!" from bellowing out. 
Gruelling interview...

Enh.  I'll know by next Tuesday what their final decision will be.

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