Sunday, March 25, 2007

The One About Depression

'Sky' 'Dreama' or whatever she's going by these days mentioned that I might be depressed after I commented that people say I'm never happy. I've never considered myself depressed, but then I also finally acknowledged that there are things that I'm really not happy about. But does unhappiness mean depressed?

I took a couple of online quizzes (my way of getting a second opinion) just to "see" what the results were.

OK, I'm moderately depressed.

In some ways, I'm not surprised at all. I've been writing this post over a few days (when I have time, that is) and I'm trying to be more aware of my feelings and.... anxieties as life flows around me.

And, no, having Idiot Boy show up at work isn't helping.

We'll see where I am in a little while, I guess.


Dreama said...

So what are you gonna do about it? Nudge me if you want to chat...

Shelly said...
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Dreama said...
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