Friday, April 06, 2007

The One With The New Look

Yeah, OK so I've changed the look of this blog for I think the third time in 2007. Hopefully it's the last, but no guarantees and I may have yet another change in mind before the month is done. Deal with it. Change is good.

Work's been pretty good. I've had a couple rough commuting days and those days I really think twice about working so "far away" especially when I question whether or not I'll see my kids again.

I have noticed that there seems to be a theme amongst the drivers in a particular town/city. I know Richmond (which I fortunately never have to drive through or to) is notorious for drivers who stop whenever and wherever they make a right turn. Abbotsford (which I occasionally drive to) has drivers who do less than half the speed limit or more than double the speed limit, which apparently is the only way to catch the lights to get through town. Go figure. Mission is known for drivers who will turn right to get in front of you and who cannot figure out how to accelerate up a hill. Imagine driving up a hill in San Francisco behind someone who's easy on the gas pedal in an attempt to get to the top. Annoying. My discovery over the past 2 weeks is the Maple Ridge driver: the most important thing on the drive is the cell phone. I've been in 2 near-misses with people going through red lights while chatting away and have lagged behind more people who don't feel it necessary to do anything besides coast and talk. I've seen three cars go off the road because they're so distracted by their phone conversation that they didn't notice the bend in the road. I also almost got slammed into by a truck making a left in front of me. He pulled over to let me by and the entire time he was behind me, the cell phone never left his ear.

That was a long paragraph.

I'm still looking for a different job, but I'm not burning any bridges while I continue with this one. I've made some friends and already had some there. I also found out one of the heads in my department went to high school with me (although a few years younger than me). My Dad said he heard there's another high school friend there as well, but no one could quite recall his name and a yearbook search followed by an email directory search turned up nothing. Apparently (according to my Dad) he hung out with "some Chinese kid" which I took to mean a Korean friend in junior high. In my high school, if you weren't white or East Indian, then most people could probably know your name. Oriental or African? I can still name the 5 in my graduating class.

This post has become a bit of a ramble, but now you all know I'm still alive. And looking at a new look.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

liking the new look so far...was tired of the old one! glad to know you are indeed still alive...I love my is about .4 of a kilometre...