Friday, March 09, 2007

The One About Making a Choice --If I Had to Choose

I honestly figured by today I'd be applying for any job I saw in the paper, regardless of potential, career, or happiness. Things were far too quiet on the job hunt front and even acts of desperation were getting me "no thanks" in reply.

Suddenly, I got hit with a company wanting to talk to me about working for them.

'Them' is overrated here as it's a new venture and is still in initial start-up and a very, very small team. So far.

However, something about my work "intrigued them" and I guess I left them wanting more --or at least clarification in what it is that I do. Yeah, it's a little funny and a little disconcerting to think that after 5 months of applying within such a specialized industry, someone's come along and asked me to clarify what I do.

"And what do you want me to do?" is apparently not the right answer to that question. But, c'mon, I'm desperate for work here!

So, I have the mega-fantastic very enthusiastic phone interview and things look up as he wants to meet in person and discuss things further. I like that and can't wait to meet him.

In the meantime, someone who called me about a job months ago suddenly calls me up again. I was their #2 guy and the #1 just pooped out on them. So, the day before my interview with the new company, I'm headed into Vancouver for another interview with the mega-company.


OK, it's crazy, but things are about to get crazier. See, after yesterday's interview (which was an odd set of questions, followed by some computer testing), they actually offered me the job. Yep, you read that right. I've been officially offered a job. I have 'til Monday to accept their offer.

Cut to my next meeting with the new company. No, not really offering me a job --yet. But it sounds like he likes what I'm saying & seeing about their production and he just needs the weekend or maybe a few days longer to decide if I'm the guy he wants in the role.

So, now I need to make a decision by Monday.

I've said before (who can count how many times) that it really bugs me when people can't make a decision. Good or bad, jut make the decision already! And now I'm in the boat for a decision that affects my life, my family's life, and the life of virtually everyone around me. So, time for the good ol' Pro's & Con's...

Mega-Company Pro's:
  1. Stable company, so no chance of it shutting down/layoffs.
  2. Major project with some credit by the end.
  3. Gets my name in an established company.
  4. Supervisor role for me.
Mega-Company Con's:
  1. Big mega-company, so I'm just a small cog in a very, very large machine.
  2. Has the potential for extremely long hours, which means I don't get to see my family.
  3. Pay isn't great.
  4. Fairly long commute which eats into my income with insurance and fuel costs.
  5. No time for eBay, Dr. Jones!!
  6. Contract position with no promise of promotion or career longevity.
Small Company Pro's:
  1. I'll be part of a creative idea and not just a cog.
  2. Potential for promotion.
  3. Telecommuting, which means my family actually sees me!
  4. Telecommuting also means there's time for eBay (Dr. Jones!)
  5. Pay should be more, but could be less.
  6. Commuting once or twice a month has little effect on my budget.
  7. Potential to learn new things.
  8. Understanding boss with similar values/beliefs (nice change of pace!)
Small Company Con's:
  1. Small company which may not exist a year from now.
  2. Pay could be less.
  3. My name will be out there, but will it have an impact?
  4. Potentially could challenge me beyond my skill levels (already hinted at during the 2nd interview)
I can't think of any more con's.

My choice is looking fairly clear. And I still have until Monday to add to the lists.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

Well, you can easily make the decision when you get offers from BOTH potential employers...until then, you may want to seriously consider the job that has been offered. It can always be a stepping stone, or turn into something big. The guys who started RIM were just a couple of students from U Waterloo...and now look at them.