Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The One With The Lazy Updates

I did one of these in early February, and thought I'd do another one. This is most likely the last week in some time that I get any breathing time with work starting up next week. Wow! Hard to believe it's finally happened!

I found out today that one of my classmates starts in the same office a week later than me. There's a small chance we'll be working on the same project... unless the offer from the smaller company comes through.... more on that later.

So, here's the quote from the last message of similar theme:
This one's all about some itemizing, so maybe at the end of the year I can look and see where I was at the time. These items are broken down like this: Reads (books currently on the go), Watches (what TV shows are doing it for me right now), Plays (which games I'm currently playing the computer and/or game console), & Works (ignore the irony that this is the last 'item'. What I'm doing right now to make money or other important projects).
So, here we go again!

Reads: I read through Mitch Albom's 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' in a single afternoon. I'd already seen the movie, but still found the book emotional. He's a decent writer to be sure. Since then, I've moved onto a more historical book, 'The Far Farers' by... I just forgot her name.... oops. I also borrowed some technical books from the library to upgrade some of my techie skills (not working very well, though!).

Watches: I watched 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica today. I know I'm still behind, though. I heard a vicious rumor that this was going to be the final season for 'BG' which was both upsetting, annoying, and somehow not surprising. I'm sure it's an expensive show to make, it's got a very large ensemble cast (and some big names too!), and even the original series didn't last as long. But it's sssoooooo good! It would be a shame to lose it! Now that February sweeps are done, some shows seem to be 'done' too. Grey's Anatomy is back in repeats. Studio 60 vanished from the airwaves. Fortunately, Studio 60 was replaced by The Black Donnellys which I'm enjoying very much. Kate Mulgrew is likable as the Mother of the family, unlike her role in Voyager where she was a poor leader on a poor show! The usual shows are the usual shows....

Plays: Over the past few weeks, my game playing has pretty much ground to a halt. The game I was completely addicted to on a daily basis is now a 2-3 hour log-in/log-out schedule a couple days a week. There's been some serious background issues with the development company and it's disillusioned me about the potential quality (and the ongoing quality) of the game. I still have games sitting in boxes and remaining un-installed, but just haven't been compelled to try them yet.

Works: I was quite surprised on a visit to a local liquidation shop to see some sought-after hobby product sitting on their shelves. Usually selling about $4-$5 a piece, they were in-store for 50-cents a piece. I bought a bunch and onto eBay they went!

And then they didn't sell.

So, oh well.... The eBay plan I started working on for a March 1st beginning didn't happen on time and my plan was to get it going instead for April 1. Depending on where I'm working as of Monday, that might not be possible and I've put a lot of effort into doing this for basically nothing. Or at least, nothing yet.

Official work starts Monday, most likely. I've accepted the offer from the big company. As 'Dreama' told me, they were the only offer on the table. There's another potential opportunity coming up too, but I'm a little leery to look into it despite the higher pay (about $200 a week more). I know there's no opportunity for advancement through that company!

The company that had the most 'Pros' when I made my list on the weekend has expressed interest in me and despite my "threat" (more like I uttered a comment) they've told me they'll let me know where I stand in their eyes by the end of the week. I'd still prefer that work over what I'm going to start on Monday, but that being said. I'm still totally excited about going to work in less than a week! No more job-hunt... well, sort of.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

Wow, someone actually took my advice. Enjoy the job!