Sunday, January 28, 2007

The One With The Weird Interview

I spent years going through interviews at the old office (From Hell!) and it had gotten to the point where I had the scenario questions memorized and I could rhyme off the correct answers pretty darn quick. I actually got chastized at one interview because I was answering every question correctly. I didn't even get the job.

Not sure if it was Tuesday or Wednesday that I received a phone call from one company wanting me to come into their Vancouver production office for an interview for a fairly lofty position. We made the appointment time and I pretty much shrugged it off thinking there's no way I'd be the one for the job.

I spent years going through interviews and being nervous each time too. This time was different. I asked questions up front (even asked the receptionist if she liked working there and how long she'd been with the company). I sat down in the office, faced by two people and prepared myself for a similar string of questions I was used to hearing for years prior.

It didn't happen. We talked movies. We talked comic books. We talked hockey. We talked about confidentiality outside of the office too and little bit about Excel (which I've used since the dawn of time). We joked about Star Wars (there's a couple velvet paintings in a neighboring office and they liked hearing my daughter's a big fan of their DVDs (they even gave me giftpackage with DVDs for both kids --can you say their birthday gifts are taken care of?). There was very little talk about work --and then I "impressed" them with my knowledge of the artists who'd done the work hanging on the wall. I'm so special.

So, on Friday, I could've cared less about this job. I didn't feel it was for me and was ready (& relaxed) for whatever came my way next. By the time the interview was done, I was ready to start right away. I didn't want to go home.

So, yesterday was a good day as I was quite excited. I'm supposed to find out on Monday whether or not I got it and suddenly I'm looking forward to that call.

Today, however, I felt differently and don't think I got the job. I'm not sad, even though it looked like a great job to have (even though I'd be away from home for at least 14 hours a day). I just think I'll hear something tomorrow and I'll be ready for the next interview with a different company. It's out of my hands.

But damn, it would've been fun.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

now is not the time to doubt yourself! Congratulations on an interview well done! Just be happy about that and then when you get the job, it's pure gravy...

I find the formatted interviews rather stifling and get my fur up when they begin to ask me what I call "exam questions" as in asking me to regurgitate something I learned in university. Instead of asking me how I would apply such information, they are looking for straight regurgitation. I just want to tell them off when they do that...I have already graduated...3 times...I'd rather just give them copies of my transcripts than sit through that rabble...