Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The One About Missing Coffee

Monday was a definite Monday.

I lost my coffee, isn't that sad?

Seriously, I spent the majority of the day sitting in front of the TV or the computer and somehow my coffee vanished. It wasn't anywhere I'd gone and I even checked other rooms/locations "just in case" I'd stepped into them for a moment and put my coffee down.


It wasn't in the carport. It wasn't in the bathrooms. It wasn't in the bedroom. It was just gone. And I haven't found it yet.

There's a remote chance that after my first cup of coffee I put the mug in the sink to soak, but that doesn't make much sense to me as I usually need a couple cups just to get going in the morning.

Either Monday was a bad day or my mind is mush.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I think you forgot to make it. You also forgot the word "one" in your title, heh heh...