Sunday, January 14, 2007

The One Where Something Actually Happened

2007 so far has been a year of waiting for something to happen....

It's only January 14th, so.... yay, something happened?

A week of bad-mouthing the career advisor seems to have paid off. In talking to the other advisors, I received a call on Friday that I've been shortlisted for a cool sounding job. I have a phone interview next week. Naturally, I emailed the guy and said I was available everyday (fibbing a little as I plan on heading out on Monday morning --oops!). I told him Tuesday morning and Thursday morning are completely open and should work best.

After I sent the message, I remembered my son's field trip on Tuesday morning. Screwed up already. 99.9% guarantee that I'll have the interview on Tuesday, right?

I was invited to a couple of conference meetings on Friday at the newly-built Simon Fraser University campus. OMG it's huge and beautiful! It's actually a skyscraper (well, "skyscraper" of 15-19 floors, anyway) built alongside an older shopping mall that's been completely gutted and refurbished to be a modern mall with a 'hive' of classrooms looking down on the shops. The conferences were hosted by the university and the speaker is a video game designer who has taught classes at MIT and NYU. They were quite interesting talks and he had a lot of 'audience participation,' including about 100 people playing rock-paper-scissors. And there was a point to it all too. But I'll digress...

WE had snow again this week as well, so the drive home on a Friday night on frozen highways was not particularly fun. I stayed with the traffic rarely going above 80 km/h (40 mph). There were a few guys feeling invulnerable in their Ford F350s and Chevy Whatevers who blast by at 120+ km/h, one of them weaving in and out of the traffic going slowly to try and avoid the black ice patches. Within 10 minutes, he was upside down along the side of the road.

By the way, you know people can't handle the snowy weather when a helicopter lands in the middle of the freeway...

I had $5 left after coming home from the conference and I put it into a collection pot this morning at a breakfast. It was for a lady from our church who's spent most of her life living in (I think) Cameroon and she needed a new head gasket for her truck. It was $640 and we needed to raise another $300, so I tossed in my $5. I'd just spend it on something stupid anyway, I might as well put it somewhere where it does some good for a change.

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