Saturday, January 07, 2006

This Week

Well, finally started back at school on Tuesday and I was very happy to do so. I tihnk the entire family was officially sick of each other as of Monday. My wife & I had been fighting as I needed *some* time away from the kids and had barely had any time to work on projects for the upcoming semester. My computer's been fritzed since December 30th as well and shuts down after 45 or so minutes, so I didn't get much work done on the computer on Friday or Saturday either. Then, every chance I had for some "time off," she'd get called in to work.

Fine. Yeah, she's the one bringing the money home right now, so I don't have many rights when it comes to complaining about her leaving the house.

As it was, my daughter was invited to a friend's house for the day, which just left me with my son. He's a handful when both kids are around, but he's almost saintly when my daughter's away. And, of course, he gladly had an afternoon nap.

When "nap time" finally came around, I decided to sit down with a good book, grab a hot cup of coffee and enjoy the last Krispy Kreme donut. I'd only managed to snag 2 out of the dozen we'd picked up on Thursday. Gone.

My wife took it to work with her. She didn't bother asking me and felt it better for me to discover it later on. Yeah, we'd bought them on Thursday and I saved one for myself until MONDAY, but apparently that's long enough to no longer share or FREAKING ASK if it's okay to take.

HAD she asked, I would've been fine with it, but my plans for quiet relaxation were torn asunder with the missing donut.

So, Tuesday was a great day to head to campus. I knew my schedule already as I picked it up last week, but my carpool guy didn't know his and neither did several others in our class.

And then Hell officially froze over...

1 comment:

Dreama said...

ah, the elusive Krispy Kreme donut. I have never had one, and have only really had Tim Horton's donuts and rarely eat them, although I am quite fond of them...