Thursday, January 12, 2006

Some things...

...never change.

Whilst taking a break from work this... morning... (yeah, like an hour ago), I came across a name from my past. Nope, not mentioning his name here, but I'd come across his blog which is a play on his name.

He's currently attending university in Scotland, taking economic history.

If you'd asked me 'lo those many years ago when we were in high school if I could see him getting his Master's in economic history in Scotland, the answer is YES.

Oh good Lord, yes.

Hell, I could've predicted that in elementary school and we only had 1 year together there! It's so him.

But ask him all those years ago if he could see me working in a university athletics department. Ask him if he could see me, today, writing a "journal" in a computer lab at 2 in the morning while 2 guys beside me (seriously) play a hockey game on the computer. While 2 others play a 5th consecutive hour of Unreal Tournament.

And one other guy studies --sort of.

Y'know, with only 8 and-a-half months to go, I'm starting to look at these people and question whether I ever want to work with them in the future. The near future.

One guy? Yes. The others? Never. Never ever ever.

Stupid kids.

1 comment:

Madley said...

Hey HH... you're up in the middle of the night too! Darn it I hate this darn insomnia... I wish I didn't feel so icky/helpless too, otherwise I'd be a dynamo and get lots done... instead I feel close to desperate...

In any case, none of your problem! and don't worry about the losers who comprise your classmates... you're on your own wonderful path!

Happy New Year (and I love it when you "steal" from me)...


PS I originally wrote this at 2:35 am but I fell asleep in the chair and forgot to hit send...nuts.