Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The One With the Purple Toe

Monday was an injury-prone day for me.

The belt loop on my housecoat got caught on the bathroom doorhandle, effectively trying to slam the door while I was walking out of the bathroom. So, instead it just smashed into my left elbow.

About 20 minutes later, I was opening the door to the basement and opened the door right over my left pinkie-toe. It's currently quite purple and looks like a grape. Glad we don't have a dog at the moment, or I'd be down a toe. As I did that to my toe, I stepped back and stepped on my cat who had come rushing out of the kitchen because of the noise. So he clawed up my right foot in retaliation.

The reason I was headed downstairs was for 2 things. I needed to get a new jar of strawberry jam out of the freezer and I needed to restack some firewood in the carport before it got too wet.

I dropped the jar of jam, which bounced off the door of the freezer, hit my knee, bounced off the freezer again and slammed into my foot where the jar shattered. Left knee, left foot. A bit of blood, but kinda hard to see with frozen red goo on top of it. Hobbled back to the doorway to grab my shoes and the first aid kit (sigh). I started hauling the wood inside and dropped one....

On my frickin' left foot. By morning, I expect a rainbow of colours and some throbbing pain to go along with the already-purple toe and red-and-blue damage to the top of the foot.

I wonder if I can find that old 'Kids in the Hall' video with the infected foot...


Madley said...

D U D E ... what are you smokin'? LMAO

Dreama said...

time to sit the hell down...mr purple toes...