Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The One About The Missing Week

I was doing quite well with updates coming daily or at least every few days.

Until last week.

Not sure exactly why I haven't posted for 8 days, but for whatever reason I have. I somehow missed out on some things in my online game too and a deadline I had for a former classmate with a project I was helping her with. It's like everything passed by and I didn't notice the week was gone.

My excuses:
  1. The whole family was sick, except for me. I've been the prescription cop, ensuring everyone was taking their medicine at the right time and frequency for the past week.
  2. I know! I wasn't sick! It's been really odd being around sick people and feeling fine.
  3. Scratch "feeling fine." The kidney stone thing seemed to pass as I could actually handle certain bodily functions again without wincing.
  4. I did regain a pain in my right arm which I hadn't felt for 2 years. I whacked my arm on the window of my car 2 years ago when I slipped in a parking lot after an ice storm. My arm hurt in a very specific spot and I know I talked on here about thinking I may have a small crack or hairline fracture. the x-rays came back negative for... *anything* and the pain eventually went away. It's back with a vengeance right now and I can't sleep on my right side (which is my main comfy sleep position).
  5. This means I'm really tired.
  6. I've spent some decent time getting prepared to open an eBay Store. I've been discussing stuff with my wife and my sister about selling off a bunch of antiques that my parents have handed down to us and we don't want everything. Like, what do we need with a dozen gold-trimmed teacups? Or half a dozen Royal Doulton figurines? I've checked their prices and $200 seems to be the minimum so why not sell?
  7. I've also started sorting through a bunch of old stuff from my old store and getting ready to put it all on eBay (damn the torpedoes type of thing) just to get it all out of the house!! There's way too much frickin' stuff and 99% of it is mine and I don't want it anymore.
Those are my excuses. I have more to say, but now I'm running out of time for today. That's happening more often too.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

welcome back to the land of blog...we've missed you, but figured something was up. I'm not posting much this week as I am away from home, and just had eye surgery yesterday. Things will improve vastly as the days proceed, but for now my eyes are PAINING, unless I have a solid line of drugs in my body and enough drops in my eyes. that's my excuse...

Wishing you well with your ebay store, and I'll be sure to pass the word along once you're set up!