Saturday, February 10, 2007

The One With A Little Relief

This post is about relief.

And it's unexpected relief from a totally unexpected source and it's completely and totally welcomed.

When I finished school, the plan was to get a good-paying job and start early on my student loan payments. A certain blogger (who keeps changing her name so often I forget what she's going by these days) waaayyyy in the North has written a number of posts about student loans and the loan payment process. I know the nightmare my wife went through with her student loan payments (they'd written her address wrong and when they finally got a hold of her, it was a demand from a collection agency for the full loan amount). Needless to say, I wanted to rid myself of the student loan ASAP. But with no job in sight yet (sigh) and payments expected to start in April, I added another line to my 'list of worries.'

Yesterday's mail had an envelope from one of the loan branches I have to deal with come April. I dreaded opening the letter because they usually have really really bad news. So, imagine my surprised when I see it's a letter regarding debt relief. And not only a letter about debt relief, but a letter telling me I'm eligible and they've already processed and knocked off 1/3 of my entire loan.


Well, EFF me is more like it!

I was ready to faint. It'll still take years to pay off the remaining 2/3 of the loan, but this was a ray of sunshine on a bleary week.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

It is SKY for today, anyhow...ya hoser. My student loans are getting paid off much faster now, as I've tripled most of my payments, and add chunks when I can. I NEED to get out of debtors prison so I cam move on to do what I REALLY want to do with my life. I have gotten several thousands forgiven through debt relief from each of my respective student loan agencies. I still owe a ton, but am shovelling my way through...