Sunday, September 17, 2006


You'd think, after reading my post title, that this is about sleep. It's not. Although I am physically beat, this is actually a post about...


After getting my flat on Friday afternoon, the writing on the wall was officially flaming and crackling as opposed to just being an annoyance. The car dealership where I get servicing had threatened months ago to hold my car if I came in with bald tires again. So, yeah, I've been avoiding them because I had too many other concerns to worry about my tires.

But one 'pop' on Friday afternoon changed all that.

Honestly, I'd planned on getting down to the tire change later this week. I'm officially, officially done school 8pm Monday night, so Tuesday is like my "Day of Freedom" or something. So, yeah, time to spend money that I don't have!! Whoo-hoo!?

Anyway, the tire thing obviously needed to be pushed up to a closer date and today was the best day for it.

I worked late again last night, because there's still "stuff to do" in order to get ready for tomorrow's finale grad showcase. I"m almost ready but the Friday flat meant I missed the closing of the print shop for my DVD labels and other printed materials, so now I have to drive for an hour-plus on Monday morning to pick everything up, then finalize it all before heading into school for an 8-hour "celebration" (their words, trust me).

So, fortunately, dropping my car off today for Noon was no big deal, only I got held up at the last minute and was about 10 minutes late in arriving. I had to then wait for a couple deciding on servicing for their pick-up truck and they were asking stupid questions (and obviously had been for a while because the annoyed teenage clerk was quite abrupt with their next question: what's the difference between this service and that one? "Five dollars" he quipped.) I actually knew the couple. Years ago I wrote a piece on "convenient friends" (can't find it, otherwise I'd link to it), people who only call you for things like Tupperware and Avaon parties immediately after speaking to you in public for the first time in years. Needless to say, I avoided speaking to the couple and let them go on their merry way once they'd paid for their brand new tires.

I took care of everything I needed to and joined the family for lunch waaayyyy on the other side of the strip mall. It was abut a 10-minute walk, but the exercise is good. I was told it would be about an hour until my car was ready. So, lunch is just over an hour and I head back. I see my car is still up on the hoist, so I decided to look around in the various shops and head back in 15 minutes or so.

Why I didn't go in and see how much longer it would be, I don't know.

It turns out, when I did finally return, that the couple ahead of me bought 2 tires that were supposed to be set aside for me. So, one of their service people had to drive 30 minutes away to their next shop and pick up some... spares. So, instead of 1 hours, it was actually almost 3 hours.

I wasn't mad, though. I'm too tired right now to actually get mad about something like that. I think, in some ways, it's leading me to 2 paths:
  1. I'm so frigging used to things going wrong instead of right, that the news didn't even faze me.
  2. I'm a complete and total pushover now.
Whatever the case, the service manager was so happy when I didn't yell and stomp (which I guess happens a lot?) that he bought me a drink and a snack while I waited and then gave me a gift certificate for a free oil & lube the next time I come in.

Still tired, though.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

he probably just saw that worn, tired and near desperate look in your eyes, so didn't want to poke the bear...but feed