Friday, September 08, 2006

Counting on Fingers

It's September 8th... Almost the 9th.

My official last day of school is September 18. That means I can count the days on my fingers now. 10 days... Almost 9.

I'm incredibly sick of the place and can't wait. This is my final marathon weekend and hopefully I'll have everything completed before my final Monday morning class on the 11th. Yes, I'm behind and I've let everyone know it too.

Next Friday is the "do or die" presentation and up until a few weeks ago, I truly had all my hopes hinging on it. I'm almost completely over the anxiety of speaking in front of so many potential employers and am leaning more and more towards the "screw it, just get it over with" attitude.

A part of me really wanted to push myself and make this a huge deal, but as I saw others slack off around me and more work piled onto a few of us while they got to move onto other pressing items (those of us still working on the big production have let everything else slip horribly), I knew I could think of this as me stepping back and letting failure take over. I just have a different attitude now. If this goes well, it was meant to go well. If it bombs, it bombs.

Life goes on. And I have the fingers to prove it.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

Oh, I remember the countdown to freedom I am on a different the day when my student loans are finally paid off!