Monday, September 04, 2006

4 Day Weekend suddenly becomes a 3 Day Weekend

I have to say, if anyone's really good at killing a day off, I have to hand it to my school. Tuesday's are my day off and have been all semester. It's great. It's the best day for me to sit down and work throughout the day in order to finish my work. It help cut down on extremely late nights (which, as I did 2 weeks ago, can be a hindrance to my health) and it means that anything that needs doing around the homefront has a day dedicated to it too.

Like, say, my daughter's first day of school.

But no, no! I have my school to think of as well and once again they've decided to hold a 1-hour meeting on Tuesday. Friggin' Tuesday!!

Nope, can't meet on Wednesday when we're all there... Nope, can't meet on Thursday when we're all there... Nope, can't meet on Friday when... well, you can figure it out.

Let's meet on Tuesday when half of us don't have classes. Some of us have to spend $10+ on gas to go in for a frickin' 1-hour (one single hour!!) meeting.

Why? To get the various departments to sign off on us in order to graduate. Yep, the registration office signs off stating we're good to go. Accounting signs off saying we're paid in full. The Library signs off because we're not holding onto any books (although ironically we can then go back to the library and sign one out).

Yeah, 2 weeks to go and I hate the place more and more each day.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I thoroughly enjoyed my 3 day weekend...just wait, before long, you won't remember those long hours in school!