Monday, December 29, 2003

My Real Christmas Day

Oh man, was I sick for Christmas.  We went over to the in-laws place on
Christmas Eve after church.  It's a traditional thing to go to one of my
wife's relatives on the 24th.  The usual spot has been off limits for 2
Christmas Eve's now because of a messy divorce/separation thingie.

I wasn't feeling too good that night but shrugged it off to being tired.  I
lasted a good 4 hours on Christmas Day itself before heading home and crashing. 
I got up once on the 26th to go to the bathroom and headed back to bed until
about 10:00 on the 27th.  And then I only felt a little better.

I'm feeling much better today and was surprised by the number of people asking
how I was feeling.  Most people don't notice when I'm not around, so it's
always a shock when there's genuine concern.  That, along with a few people
saying they missed seeing me over Christmas, threw me for a loop.

I would've started re-thinking this whole My Year thing, but then my
father-in-law interceded...

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