Friday, December 05, 2003

My Vacation

So, yep, taking the next week off of work.

Now working at a university you'd think I'd take more time off. We're already closed from December 25 - January 1, but I'm only taking next week off.

See, the week I come back, there's no more exams which means...

No more students.

It's a time to get some work done without numerous/constant interruptions.

You can also be a bit lazier with the work as you enjoy the quiet.

Thus, I'm taking next week off and then going back for 7.5 days of semi-quiet bliss.

I'm taking January 2nd off as well. No way am I working another Friday like that!

In 1998 I worked on a smaller satellite campus and got stuck working on the Friday after a week off for Christmas break. I was the only one in the building all freakin' day. By 4:00 I vowed never to work another Friday like that again. I even pulled out the phone book calendar and saw that 2003 was the next January 2nd like that. And this year, fortunately, I remembered about it and booked the day off.

This is after one of my co-workers freaked my boss out in mid-November. She told him I had to take all my holiday time and banked time (a.k.a. time off in lieu of overtime) by the end of the year... It's the equivalent of 9 weeks total between the two. He was quite worried until I explained that it's the fiscal year, not the calendar year...

Still have to fit in 8 weeks by April 1st... hehe

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