Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Six Oh Three

Don't remember coming up on this number, but according to Blogger, this is post #603 and I never noticed #600 fly by. Whoopsie!

So, to celebrate, albeit a little late. Here's a Top Ten List of things barely anyone knows about me:

  1. When I was a kid, I used to shoplift toys from one store and carry them over to another and place them on the shelf just to confuse people.
  2. A few weeks ago, I had a very vivid recollection of a girl I dated just after I graduated high school. I know we went to a community dance together (she lived/lives in Washington state) and she wanted to leave early. We went back to her parents' house and we were on the couch and she was massaging me when her family came home and she quickly got off of me. It hit me like a train when I remembered this because it seems to me we went a lot further than just a massage... Now if only I could remember her name...
  3. I've seen LL (check the bottom of the post) twice this week after promising to get together with her at least a dozen times over the past year. No, it's not an affair. I'm helping her out with some business stuff as well as a potential job search. We had a meeting over coffee on Monday and yesterday she came with me to set up a USPS box just across the border (taking advantage of cheap shipping and an on-par dollar). She's still very touchy-feely.
  4. I was tempted to rejoin the university link once again after I finished school. I had an email message arrive from one of them and I replied and somehow started a mini-flame war. So, I'm not going back.
  5. I applied for a local job as a reporter for a weekend news magazine. Sadly, I was encouraged 10 years ago to look into journalism as a potential career. Good thing I just paid $27,000 for a different career path, eh?
  6. One of my best friends in junior high has a daughter who just got her driver's licence. We graduated from high school in 1991, so he had a 1 year old girl back then and I knew nothing about it.
  7. I've been the driver of my car in 3 accidents in 17 years of driving, none of the accidents my fault. The first one was a teenage kid running a red light (he did it after the lady beside him also slowed for the light then decided to go through... I was making a left and had been in the intersection when both vehicles accelerated through the red light). The second one was a woman pulling out of the mall parking lot and drove across 2 lanes and puched my car sideways onto the sidewalk. Broke both axels and wrote off my first car. The third one was last week when a lady in a van made a right into the lane I was in. The passenger door needs to be replaced now. My car(s) have been hit another 7 times and every one was a woman in either a truck or a van. Now, I don't want to come off sounding sexist, but... 9 out of 10 accidents?
  8. I have a bookshelf that's nothing but Star Wars and Star Trek books. I haven't read one of them.
  9. Despite being such an uber-geek, I've only read the Lord of the Rings trilogy once. I finished each book in the week the Peter Jackson movies debuted.
  10. I actually listed a number of rules for a friend of mine. He's a pastor and I told him he's not allowed to have the "pastor" hat on when we're together as friends. He's a human being and needs to vent every once in a while and if he doesn't I know there are things he'd keep bottled up inside. And I don't want him thinking I'm judging him if he says something inappropriate.
OK, that's enough for now. This was harder than I thought!!

1 comment:

Dreama said...

I still don't know who LL is.

I didn't realize you had considered joining the LINK again. We'll have to talk about that, lol...

Good luck in the job search!